The MORA allows patrons of one of the participating restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues to carry up to 10 oz. of wine or spirits, or up to 20 oz. of beer in a designated cup within the designated MORA boundary.
ORDER your favorite adult beverage in a MORA cup at a participating establishment.
DRINK your beverage within the downtown MORA boundaries.
DISCARD your single use MORA cup when empty. Cups must be discarded prior to entering ANY participating establishment (business that holds a liquor license) OR any business that prohibits alcoholic beverages.
ENJOY the MORA Monday through Friday: 4:00 to 10:00 PM; Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM, or during other City-sanctioned events.
where TO purchase drinks
The Flamingo
Slushed Up
Stephen's Lounge
House of Spirits
Leon's Garage
The Old Bag of Nails
The Half Pint
Elks Lodge #1130
Mad Dogs & Beer
Partners Park
Walking Distance Brewing Co.
Eagles Lodge #3506
The Avalon Theatre
Sharky's Sports Bar
Fiesta Grande

mora hours
The MORA is active Monday through Friday from 4:00 to 10:00 PM, and Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM. The MORA may also be activated during City-sanctioned events.
Alcoholic beverages can only be sold to individuals 21 years and older.
All patrons must present their ID and receive a special wristband at a participating establishment.
Beverages must be purchased from a participating establishment.
No outside alcoholic beverages are permitted to be brought into the MORA.
Any beverages consumed outdoors must be in designated 10-ounce (wine or spirits) or 20-ounce (beer) plastic cups.
Only two beverages may be purchased at a time.
No beverages may be carried from one participating establishment into another.
Beverages may be carried into other businesses at the sole discretion of said business.
There is no additional cost to patrons outside of the typical price of beverages.
Participating establishments are responsible for supplying the plastic cups and wristbands.
All State of Ohio and City of Marysville laws regarding public intoxication, impaired driving, and open containers apply to areas both inside and outside of the MORA boundaries. Violators of established laws will be subject to arrest.
The Marysville Police Chief and the Marysville City Manager have the power to temporarily or permanently suspend and/or dissolve the MORA.
Participating establishments that are found in violation of the MORA rules will be subject to suspension.
Where is the Marysville Outdoor Refreshment Area (MORA)?
The MORA is roughly bounded north to south by Fourth Street to Eighth Street, and east to west from Oak Street to Court Street. Signs will mark the parameters where patrons can walk with their beverages.
What is the MORA cup?
To drink an alcoholic beverage in the MORA boundaries, you must ask your waiter or bartender for your drink to be placed in a specially marked MORA cup.
Can I walk anywhere with my MORA cup?
Nope, you must stay within the MORA boundaries. Leaving the MORA with an alcoholic beverage breaks State of Ohio and City of Marysville open containers laws.
Can I take my MORA cup back inside the establishment in which it was purchased?
No, once a MORA cup has left a business, it must be consumed before you enter any other establishment with a liquor permit.
Can I take an empty MORA cup into a business so I can reuse it?
No, the cups are single use and must be disposed of prior to entering.
What types of alcoholic beverage can I have in my MORA cup?
Beer, wine, and spirits are all allowable drinks in MORA cups. Drinks must be purchased from a participating business.
Can I bring my own alcoholic beverage, pour it into a MORA cup, and walk around in the MORA?
Nice try, but no. Only drinks purchased from businesses participating in the MORA are allowed. No cans, glass bottles, or outside drinks are permitted within the boundaries.
Can I bring my alcoholic beverage into any Uptown Business?
Participation in the MORA is optional. Businesses may choose not to allow alcoholic beverages on their premises.
Amanda Morris
City of Marysville
Recreation, Aquatics & Event Manager
We absolutely do not advocate or encourage the abuse of alcoholic beverages. If you choose to consume alcohol, please do so responsibly, and never drink and drive! Always designate a sober driver or utilize a ride share program/taxi for a safe ride home. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, support and resources are available.