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We are nothing without our volunteers!
With over 200 vendors, multiple food trucks, entertainment throughout the day, and over 9,000 attendees, it takes an army to host this successful festival for 43 years running.
Find your place to help make one of Central Ohio's largest outdoor craft shows a success in 2024!
Set Up
Commitment: 6AM - 9AM
Your role in preparing the festival area is essential to creating a fantastic experience for our attendees, vendors and business owners. Here's a guide on your responsibilities and how you can contribute to a successful event:
Communication with Walkie-Talkies:
Utilize provided walkie-talkies to maintain effective communication with fellow volunteers and event organizers.
Street Blockade Management:
Assist the local police department in relocating street blockades to facilitate the closing of streets.
Coordination with Law Enforcement:
Notify law enforcement of parked cars that will require relocation or towing, ensuring the utmost professionalism in handling such situations.
Vendor Parking Signage Installation:
Set “vendor parking” signs near the entrances of the courthouse and County admin parking lots according to the signage placement map.
Pedestrian Signage Distribution:
Distribute pedestrian signage according to the signage map.
Light Pole Electrical Setup:
Utilize a ladder to plug in extension cords at the top of light poles, according to the electrical map.
Placement of Trash Receptacles:
Strategically disperse trash cans throughout the event area.
Welcome Tent/Van Setup (around 8:00 am):
Erect the tent and securely attach weights for stability.
Arrange brochures neatly for distribution.
Set up a table and chairs.
Commitment: 2hr Shifts
Your role as a Park and Ride Welcome Tent Volunteer is key to ensuring a positive experience for our festival attendees. Your primary responsibilities include welcoming guests, informing them about the shuttle service, and handing out maps. Here's how you can make a difference:
Welcome and Greet Guests:
Stand/sit near the entrance of the Park and Ride area with a friendly smile.
Politely greet festival attendees as they arrive.
Shuttle Information:
Inform guests that a shuttle service is available to transport them to the North Main Street entrance of the festival (at Fourth and Main Streets).
Emphasize that the shuttle runs approximately every 15 minutes from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Hand Out Maps:
Distribute festival maps to each group of guests.
Explain key festival locations, including restrooms, food trucks, restaurants, shops and kids area.
Answer Questions:
Be prepared to answer any questions guests may have about the festival.
If you don't know the answer, direct them to the festival information booth/van in the center of Uptown.
Commitment: 2hr. Shifts
Your role as a Welcome Tent Volunteer is key to ensuring a fantastic experience for our attendees, vendors and business owners. Here's a guide on your responsibilities and how you can contribute to a successful event:
Welcome and Greet Guests:
Stand/sit under the welcome tent located at 5th and Main Streets in Uptown Marysville.
Politely greet festival attendees.
Hand Out Maps:
Distribute festival maps to guests.
Be prepared to explain key festival locations, including restrooms, food trucks, restaurants, shops and kids area.
Keep the welcome tent organized and well-stocked with maps.
Commitment: 4pm - 6pm
Your role in returning the festival area to its normal condition is essential to the reputation of the event. Here's a guide on how you can contribute to a successful event:
Meet in the Center of Town:
Gather in the designated meeting point in the center of town to coordinate the tear-down and clean-up efforts with fellow volunteers.
Collect and Load Signs:
Efficiently collect all event signage placed throughout the festival area.
Load the collected signage into the Union County Tourism van in an organized and secure manner.
Take Down Welcome Tent:
Carefully disassemble and take all welcome tent supplies to Union Station 1820.
Trash Consolidation:
Assist in consolidating trash and disposing of it in designated dumpsters/trash trucks.
Vendors must take all their trash with them.
Extension Cord Retrieval:
Utilize a ladder to safely remove extension cords from light posts. All cords can be taken to Union Station 1820.
Assist Police with Barricades:
Collaborate with local law enforcement to assist in the removal of street barricades.
You may be asked to help collect tent and supplies from the park and ride location at the Union County Fairgrounds.