Marysville Community Reinvestment Area Program
In 2002, the Marysville City Council approved the continuance of a Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) in the Uptown District and its surrounding residential areas. The main purpose of the CRA is to encourage development, redevelopment and revitalization in the older areas of Marysville to improve economic stability, maintain real property values, and create new employment opportunities.
The CRA program’s main mechanism is the use of tax incentives granted to property owners for real property improvements to their buildings which meet the goals, objectives and requirements listed on this page. The abatement reduces the increase of property taxes that occur as a result of the completion of renovations or new construction. It does not reduce existing property taxes.
Eligible real property improvements include building and structural modifications such as a new addition, new windows, new façade, new storefront, new awnings and major structural repair.
Residential (no more than two units in building), commercial, and/or industrial property owners in the CRA designated zone (refer to CRA Boundary Map) who plan to make structural improvements meeting the CRA requirements may qualify. Uptown area commercial buildings with residential units on the upper levels will be considered as commercial buildings.
Benefits & Requirements
Qualifying residential properties may receive a 75%, seven (7) year real property tax abatement for new improvements for which the cost of remodeling is at least $7,500. Said residential buildings shall not have more than two residential units, shall be owner occupied, and shall not have commercial on the first floor. The review and approval of the Marysville Housing Officer is required.
Qualifying commercial and industrial properties may receive up to a 100%, ten (10) year real property tax abatement for new improvements for which the cost of the remodeling is at least $10,000. Approval is on a case-by-case basis and is determined by the amount of investment and number of jobs created or retained.
Qualifying commercial and industrial properties may receive up to a 100%, fifteen (15) year tax abatement for new building construction for which the cost of the new construction is at least $350,000. Approval is on a case-by-case basis and is determined by the amount of investment and number of jobs created or retained.
Criteria for Approval
The City shall consider the following when reviewing each application:
Residential building is less than two units and is owner-occupied;
Use of building shall meet zoning and building regulations;
Shall encourage private investment that will repair, construct, or improve a building;
Commercial and industrial projects that create new employment, restore historical significance or promote the revitalization of the Uptown area are preferred.
Every project that receives a tax abatement is reviewed annually by the City of Marysville Housing Council. The Housing Council is comprised of business owners, citizens, and City officials. If a property owner does not comply with the terms and conditions of the approved CRA Application, the tax abatement may be removed by the action of the Housing Council. Therefore, it is important that the property owner is realistic and plans to satisfy the pledged construction values, jobs created, and the project’s impact when he/she completes the CRA Application.
Application Process
Property owner contacts the Union County-Marysville Economic Development Partnership at 937-642-6279 to discuss the program.
Once compliance is determined, property owner submits CRA Application for review.
The City reviews and determines whether the application meets guidelines; application is approved.
Prior to construction, property owner submits and receives zoning approval. Design Review Board approval may also be required. Please contact the City Zoning Administrator: 937-645-7359.
Prior to construction, property owner submits and receives an approved Building Permit. Please contact the Union County Building Department: 937-645-3018.
After construction is complete, the Union County Auditor determines the value of improvement and formally institutes the abatement.
To discuss the CRA Program or a potential project, please contact the Union County-Marysville Economic Development Partnership at 937-642-6279.